Artykuł recenzyjny
Bardel, Camilla, Ylva Falk (2007) “The Role of the Second Language in Third Language Acquisition: The Case of Germanic Syntax”. Second Language Research 23; 459–484.
Cabrelli Amaro, Jennifer, Jason Rothman (2010) “On L3 Acquisition and Phonological Permeability: A New Test Case for Debates on the Mental Representation of Non-native Phonological Systems”. IRAL. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 48; 275–296.
Cabrelli Amaro, Jennifer (2013) The Phonological Permeability Hypothesis: Measuring regressive L3 influence to test L1 and L2 phonological representations. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Gainesville: University of Florida.
De Angelis, G. (2007) Third or Additional Language Acquisition. Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781847690050
Falk, Ylva, Camilla Bardel (2011) “Object Pronouns in German L3 Syntax: Evidence for the L2 Status Factor”. Second Language Research 27; 59–82.
Flynn, Suzanne, Claire Foley, Inna Vinnitskaya (2004) “The Cumulative Enhancement Model for Language Acquisition: Comparing Adults’ and Children’s Patterns of Development in First, Second and Third Language Acquisition”. International Journal of Multilingualism 1; 3–17.
Na Ranong, Sirirat, Yan-kit Ingrid Leung (2009) “Null Objects in L1 Thai-L2 English-L3 Chinese: An Empiricist Take on a Theoretical Problem”. [In:] Yan-kit IngridLeung (ed.), Third Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters; 162–191
Paradis, Michel (2004) A Neurolinguistic Theory of Bilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/sibil.18
Paradis, Michel (2008) “Language and Communication Disorders in Multilinguals”. [In:] Brigitte Stemmer and Harry A. Whitaker (eds.), Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 341–349. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-008045352-1.00033-1
Pienemann, Manfred (1998) Language Processing and Second Language Development: Processability Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/sibil.15
Pienemann, Mandfred (2005) “Discussing PT”. [In:] Mandred Pienemann (ed.), Cross-linguistic Aspects of Processability Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; 61–83. http://doi.org/10.1075/sibil.30.04pie
Rothman, Jason (2010) “On the Typological Economy of Syntactic Transfer: Word Order and Relative Clause Attachment Preference in L3 Brazilian Portuguese”. International Review of Applied Linguistics 48; 245–273.
Rothman, Jason (2011) “L3 Syntactic Transfer Selectivity and Typological Determinacy: The Typological Primacy Model”. Second Language Research 27; 107–127.
Rothman, Jason (2015) “Linguistic and Cognitive Motivation for the Typological Primacy Model of Third Language (L3) Transfer: Considering the Role of Timing of Acquisition and Proficiency in the Previous Languages”. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 18(2); 179–190.
Rothman, Jason, Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro (2010) “What Variables Condition Syntactic Transfer? A Look at the L3 Initial State”. Second Language Research 26(2): 189–218.
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